Sunday, January 31
> hair dyed - dual tone
Had my hair dyed dual tone yesterday but there was a small miscommunication with my stylist, the colour turned out one to two tones darker. I wanted a really light coloured hair but now its really dark. Then again, maybe not so ah lian this way? hahahha
So glad i finally found another stylist i can go to. He totally knows how i want my hair style to be like and cut the way i like. Anddddd.... he's quite cute. HAHHAA
CNY is coming, and i havent bought much stuffs but i dont really feel like buying much cos there's nothing to buy.
Freaking tired now, feel like having Ikea's meatball and chicken wings + Timbre's pizza.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:39:00 pm
Monday, January 25
> things to do before cny
Shopping in town yesterday with Eunice. We walked till we were both starving and my heels broke halfway! Didnt really buy a lot of stuffs for CNY so that means i gotta go shop someore. I hate shopping ! Hate the crowd! Hate to wait for fitting rooms! Hate to squeeze! Hate it when the things i went are out of size!
Cant believe Eunice and i are friends for 10 years now. Time totally just pass like that! I was just telling her "are you sure we know each other for 10 years? Do you really think we know each other that long and that well?"
She said "duh lar i totally know you inside out". Gosh, that is just so true!
Gotta meet up the rest of the babes for a gathering to celebrate our decade's old friendship.
But for now, i need to psycho my mj kaki to stop being so lazy and meet for a game! (though we just played last night) ahahahah. Im just so addicted to it!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:16:00 am
Tuesday, January 19
> Its a love of a lifetime
Just imagine, 3 wedding celebrations in 2 months with the same people (all CS colleagues!) Cant wear the same dress for each dinner because i'll be seeing the same people, have to doll up nicely during the weekends (im usually in shorts and slippers!) and needless to say, going broke! But very well nutritioned cos i had 2 bowls of sharksfin on every dinner. Clement is so gonna hate me cos he's anti-sharksfin. oopsie.
Being part of their happiest day makes me happy and everytime they have their speeches on stage makes me feel extremely touched. I am so envious, i really am. I wanna get married too. Anyone wanna marry me???
I wonder who's the next to get hitched!
Im trying to realign them properly with sub headings but blogger is so screwed its not allowing me so argh, im gonna just heck it.

sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:42:00 am
> A little a day
Last Friday after work, Jeremy, James and I headed down to Cabana for drinks and random chats. The night ended with me puking out the yumyum chicken wing and fries in the toilet bowl first thing i went home. Im such a loser at drinking seriously!
Was hoping to go elsewhere instead of Cabana because i was just there with KC on Thursday and Beach Cabana was a place frequent by Jay and i and going back there just brought back many memories which i have been trying to put away for the past 1 year.
Mei tian xiang ni yi dian dian. Xi wang na yi dian dian you yi tian hui bian cheng yi ge ju dian.Then on Sat was Fong's wedding at Hilton. The service this time round sucks so bad compared to Glenn's wedding just 3 weeks before! The food was more or less the same so it wasnt really facinating. There were 50 tables so obviously Fong was damn busy that night, he didnt even come over to our table to drink, the only one time was during photo-taking.
So this time round the table was filled with 9 people, it was only 7 initially but i pulled Harold and Ade over. How can he even put me and Ade on seperate tables man!!
I have the pictures, but i think im just gonna upload them on a seperate entry with no words because im so lazy to copy and paste them into the right paragraphs!
After the dinner, surprisingly no mj tiews and my usual mates were all..not in town and i was so bored so i joined Jeremy, Rohit, Alvin + gf and Shuzhen + bf for KTV. Its the first time i actually went out with people from Barcap but it didnt turn out too bad! Havent gone KTV for a while and my voice suckssssssssssssss.
And Sunday was ME time, woke up early for facial and mani + pedi before i went home for dinner. Mum cooked chilli crab, and i couldnt peel it because i didnt wanna ruin my nails. So mummy had to crack the shell for me and remove the meat nicely for me. LOVE!
Then we tried to blend some avocado milkshake cos i kept raving how much im addicted to the drink. It didnt turn out THAT nice like Golden Shoe's but it wasnt that bad.
I really love my parents (though i kinda get angry with them most times too), cos everytime i say something, they would remember and go the extra mile to do/buy it for me.
Had 3 leg MJ later that night, a very impromptu one and lost my dinner money for the week. BORING.
Im hungry now (as usual)
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:26:00 am
Wednesday, January 13
So sad loh... i am all excited and hyped out waiting for May to arrive because i was planning to go States. Just imagine the Victoria Secrets and everything else i can get at a cheaper price (think Coach and Kate Spade though im not a big fan). But now, i think i cant go already cos apparently i think the car cant fit me in. SUPER UPSET.
Me wanna go States leh!!! Who wanna go with me?!?!
So now that i cant go to States, Muimui and i are thinking of Hong Kong. Sian lor, so im determined to travel to more places. Taiwan, Bangkok, Japan! Hopefully the Sydney/New Zealand trip is still on (though i quite doubt it).
Anyway, last Sat i met Yihao, Glenn, QQ, Daniel and Roy for dinner in town followed by chilling out with Vermonster at Heaven's loft Ben and Jerrys. Wah super sinful can, my 3 weeks of B&J craving was totally worthed it. 20 scoops!! Can you imagine?!?! I bet im not gonna have another bad ice cream craving for the next one month.
And i just remembered i havent tell WQ about this yet, cant imagine if i did, i think he is so gonna nag and nag and nag at me!
So yeap - been a really long while since i met them and they are still so fun to hang out with! Made me laugh so muchhhhhhhhh, think i should hang out more with them so my life is more entertained. Hehe.
Fong's wedding this Saturday at Hilton (again). Hope i can get to eat double portion again. wahhahahhaha im such a glutton but i likeeeeeeeeeee
Last Friday after work, Jeremy, Alan and i went for steamboat supper. Full max = fat max ahahhaa shioks!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:04:00 am
Tuesday, January 5
> back ache!!
My back's super aching and i just have to keep grumbling because it hurts so badddddd. The last time it was this pain was when i strain it after too much dance classes and the strain lasted me for 6 months. I havent dance for like 2 years and i dont know how this ache came about but its so freaking hurt i wanna cryyyyyyyy, not.
I welcomed the first three days of 2010 playing mahjong. Seriously man, quite ridiculous!! But winning money made me sooooooo happy i woke up just in time to treat my parents for seafood dinner at Jumbo East Coast (opened by dad's friend). yumyumyum
im so pissed because i cannot fing gossip girl episode 13 for the past 2 weeks. what happened?!?! can someone please be so nice to paste me the link??
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:14:00 am
Friday, January 1
> welcoming twentyten
Im staying very positive that 2010 is gonna be a good year because that's what i want it to be. Though i brought my insomnia and super ultra back ache into the start of the year, i think its still gonna be fine. Fingers crossed!
Ushered in the new year with a countdown party at Boon's - couple style. So you can imagine, i wasnt really mingling much because i went alone. But i wouldnt say its not fun cos i got to meet a couple new people and exchanged really great conversations. I met this professional ballet dancer and saw her dance pieces, it was so awesome, it instantly brought back all my past memories of dancing. Think i might wanna go take up adult classes hehe!
So im kicking off 2010 with overnight mahjong with the usual mj kakis tonight, how about you?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:52:00 pm